Bowling Pins on Strings

Bowling Pins on Strings
Bowling Pins on Strings


Welcome to the fascinating world of bowling, a sport where change can spark debate and innovation is often met with scrutiny. Today’s topic? Bowling pins on strings. For years, bowling relied solely on free fall pinsetterscomplex mechanical systems designed to swiftly clear and reset pins.

However, there has been a new entrant that simplifies this process: string pinsetters. While these have been praised for their cost-effectiveness and convenience, they’ve also stirred controversy among seasoned pros who argue it changes the game’s dynamics substantially.

Does having your pins attached to nylon strings make a difference or is it all just drama in the lanes? We’re untying this knotty issue in our blog post today.

Key Takeaways

  • Bowling pins on strings offer several benefits, including increased safety for young and inexperienced bowlers, quick and easy setup, less damage to the pins and lanes, enhanced accessibility for people with physical limitations, and cost-effectiveness.
  • String pinsetters have fewer parts and encounter fewer issues compared to traditional pinsetters. Repairing string pinsetters is also easier and more convenient, saving time and money on repairs.
  • The use of string pinsetters has sparked controversy among professional bowlers due to its impact on game performance. Some argue that it affects scoring, while research suggests it may result in fewer strikes and spares.

Understanding Bowling Pins On Strings

Bowling pins on strings are a revolutionary advancement in the sport, replacing traditional pinsetters with a nylon string system that offers several benefits and drawbacks.

How The New Pinsetters Work

The new wave of string pinsetters has revolutionized the world of bowling. Unlike traditional free-fall systems, these innovative devices use nylon strings attached to each pin’s head.

Picture a puppeteer pulling on marionette strings, it is similar as to how string pinsetters function. Upon impact from the bowler’s ball, these tethered pins topple just like their free-fall counterparts but return for reset in an entirely different manner.

This shift towards utilizing strings offers specific advantages such as fewer parts within the system requiring maintenance or repair – quite a perk for alley owners who must ensure smooth operation during busy hours.

Benefits And Drawbacks Of String Pinsetters

There are several benefits and drawbacks associated with the use of string pinsetters in bowling. Bowlers, particularly professionals, have mixed sentiments regarding this technology. Understanding these pros and cons will help you make an informed choice about your bowling experience, and whether you want to stick with a traditional bowling pinsetter or play with a string pinsetter.

Benefits of String PinsettersDrawbacks of String Pinsetters
String pinsetters have fewer parts, thus encounter fewer issues compared to traditional pinsetters.Some bowlers argue that string pinsetters affect their scoring, with research supporting this claim.
Repairing string pinsetters is easier and more convenient.USBC research suggests that string pinsetters result in fewer strikes and spares.
They are cost-effective, making them suitable for entertainment centers, community centers, and resorts.The use of string pinsetters has sparked controversy among professional bowlers.
Alley owners claim that string pinsetters save time and resources.String pinsetters may result in a higher percentage of multi-pin spare combinations.
Pros and Cons of Bowling Pins on Strings Pinsetters

In conclusion, both benefits and drawbacks exist when it comes to the adoption of string pinsetters in bowling. It’s crucial for bowlers to consider these factors before making a switch. The International Bowling Federation accepts string pins for tournament play, yet the US Bowling Congress has some reservations. Nevertheless, the USBC has certified string pin bowling and string pinsetters as of August 2023.

Bowling Pins on Strings Have been Popular in Europe
The International Bowling Federation has accepted bowling pins on strings for tournament play. This is a photo of kegel pins on strings.

Benefits Of Bowling Pins On Strings

Bowling pins on strings offer several benefits, including increased safety for young and inexperienced bowlers, quick and easy setup, less damage to the pins and lanes, enhanced accessibility for people with physical limitations, and cost-effectiveness.

Increased Safety For Young And Inexperienced Bowlers

Bowling is a fun and exciting sport that people of all ages can enjoy, including young children and inexperienced players. However, the traditional pinsetter system used in many bowling alleys may pose safety risks for these individuals.

With string pinsetters, there are no mechanical arms swinging around to set up the pins. Instead, the pins are attached to nylon strings that lift them back up after each roll.

For young bowlers who may not have developed strong throwing techniques yet, this increased safety factor is crucial. It allows them to focus on their form and technique without worrying about potential accidents.

Moreover, string pinsetters offer a more gentle landing for the ball on impact since there are no hard metal parts involved in setting up the pins.

Overall, bowling pins on strings provide a safer environment for young and inexperienced bowlers to enjoy their game while building confidence and improving their skills.

Quick And Easy Setup

Setting up bowling pins on strings is a breeze with the new string pinsetters. Unlike traditional mechanical arm systems, these innovative setups require minimal effort and time to get the game rolling.

The simplicity of the setup process also benefits bowlers who want to enjoy their game without unnecessary delays.

With just a few adjustments here and there, such as attaching nylon strings instead of placing each individual pin manually or relying on complex machinery, bowling enthusiasts can experience a hassle-free bowling session from start to finish.

So if you’re tired of waiting around for lengthy pinsetting procedures or struggling with heavy lifting while setting up your game at home or in recreational facilities – consider trying out bowling pins on strings! It’s an efficient solution that ensures quick setup times without compromising on the thrill of knocking down those pins- one strike at a time.

Less Damage To The Pins And Lanes

String pinsetters offer the advantage of causing less damage to both the pins and the lanes. Unlike traditional pinsetters that use mechanical arms to pick up and set down bowling pins, string pinsetters utilize nylon strings that gently lower and reset the pins.

With mechanical arm pinsetters, there is a higher risk of pins colliding with each other or being forcefully dropped onto the lane’s surface, resulting in potential dents or scratches on both.

Not only does this benefit bowlers by ensuring a consistent playing experience with undamaged equipment, but it also saves costs for bowling alley owners who can avoid frequent replacements or repairs due to damaged pins or laneways caused by traditional mechanical systems.

Enhanced Accessibility For People With Physical Limitations

Bowling pins on strings have revolutionized the sport by providing enhanced accessibility for individuals with physical limitations. Unlike traditional pinsetters that rely on mechanical arms, string pinsetters use nylon strings to set up the pins.

Imagine being someone who uses a wheelchair and loves bowling but struggles to set up the heavy pins manually. With string pinsetters, this task becomes effortless.

Not only does this technology make bowling more inclusive, but it also opens doors for rehabilitation centers and community programs that cater to people with disabilities.

The introduction of string pinsetters has been hailed as a game-changer in terms of accessibility. It eliminates one of the major obstacles faced by individuals with physical limitations when participating in sports like bowling.

Cost-effective Solution

String pinsetters in bowling alleys offer a cost-effective solution for both owners and bowlers. Compared to traditional free fall pinsetters, string pinsetters have fewer parts and encounter fewer issues, resulting in lower maintenance costs.

Repairing string pinsetters is also easier and more convenient, saving time and money on repairs. This makes them a suitable alternative for entertainment centers, community centers, resorts, and other similar establishments looking to provide bowling facilities without breaking the bank.

Impact On Bowling Performance

The introduction of bowling pins on strings has had a significant impact on bowling performance, affecting scoring, strategy, and technique. Professional bowlers have provided feedback about the changes they have experienced since the implementation of string pinsetters.

Explore how these adjustments in gameplay can potentially lead to improved accuracy and consistency for bowlers. Dive deeper into the impact of this innovation and discover how it has transformed the sport.

Changes In Scoring

The introduction of bowling pins on strings has brought about some changes in the scoring system that bowlers should be aware of. Preliminary research conducted by the US Bowling Congress (USBC) suggests that bowlers using string pinsetters achieve around 7% fewer strikes and leave behind more multi-pin spare combinations.

For example, since there are fewer strikes with string pinsetters, it becomes even more crucial for bowlers to focus on picking up spares consistently.

Professional bowlers have also provided feedback on these changes in scoring. Some have expressed frustration at the decreased strike percentage and adjustment needed in their game.

It’s important for all bowlers to understand how these changes may affect their performance so they can make necessary adjustments accordingly.

Feedback From Professional Bowlers

Professional bowlers have had mixed reactions to the introduction of bowling pins on strings. While some embrace the innovation, others have expressed frustration and resistance to this new technology.

One concern raised by professional bowlers is the impact on scoring. Preliminary research conducted by the US Bowling Congress (USBC) suggests that bowlers using string pinsetters achieve around 7% fewer strikes and leave behind more multi-pin spare combinations compared to traditional free fall pinsetters.

Additionally, pro bowlers have expressed dissatisfaction with the mechanical arms being replaced by nylon strings in pin racking. They argue that this new system alters the overall feel of the game, making it less authentic.

Despite these concerns, there are professionals who appreciate certain aspects of string pinsetters. Some believe that increased accuracy and consistency can be achieved with proper adjustment and practice under this new system.

Overall, feedback from professional bowlers regarding bowling pins on strings identifies both challenges and opportunities for improvement within the sport.

Keywords: Feedback from professional bowlers, impact on scoring, adjustments in strategy and technique, mechanical arms versus nylon strings, decline in skill-based play

Adjustments In Strategy And Technique

When using bowling pins on strings, bowlers may need to make certain adjustments in their strategy and technique. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Focus on accuracy: With string pinsetters, the pins are set up in a slightly different way than with traditional systems. This means that precision and accuracy in your shot placement become even more important to achieve optimal results.
  2. Pay attention to pin deflection: Since the pins are attached to nylon strings, they may have a tendency to move or deflect when hit by the bowling ball. Bowlers should be aware of this and adjust their angles and target points accordingly to ensure better pin carry.
  3. Explore new spare shooting techniques: Due to the potential for increased multi-pin spare combinations, it is essential for bowlers to develop effective strategies for picking up spares. This may involve experimenting with different angles, speeds, and targeting methods.
  4. Fine-tune ball selection: The introduction of string pinsetters can impact the way bowling balls react on the lane. It might be necessary to experiment with different ball surfaces and types to find the most suitable option for achieving desired results.
  5. Adapt mindset during competition: If you’re accustomed to previous scoring systems or have experience primarily with traditional pinsetters, it’s important to adapt your mindset when competing with string pinsetters. Recognize that fewer strikes and more challenging spare combinations may be common, so maintaining focus and resilience is crucial.

By making these adjustments in strategy and technique, bowlers can effectively navigate the changes brought about by using bowling pins on strings and improve their overall performance on the lanes.

Potential For Improved Accuracy And Consistency

String pinsetters have the potential to enhance accuracy and consistency in bowling. With the use of nylon strings instead of mechanical arms, these new pinsetters provide a more controlled and precise placement of the pins.

This means that bowlers can expect a more consistent setup for each frame, leading to improved accuracy in their shots. Additionally, since string pinsetters have fewer moving parts compared to traditional free fall pinsetters, there is less room for error or malfunction, resulting in a smoother and more reliable experience on the lanes.

The potential for improved accuracy and consistency offered by string pinsetters has been observed by many bowlers who have transitioned from traditional setups. They report a greater sense of confidence during their games as they can trust that the pins will be set up correctly with every frame.

The US Bowling Congress (USBC) has conducted research supporting these claims, suggesting that bowlers using string pinsetters achieve higher levels of accuracy due to the consistent alignment provided by this technology.

In conclusion, string pinsetters offer promising potential for improved accuracy and consistency in bowling. By utilizing nylon strings instead of mechanical arms, these innovative systems ensure precision in aligning the pins frame after frame.

Future Of Bowling Pins On Strings

The future of bowling pins on strings holds the potential for advancements and improvements in technology, impacting both the bowling industry and consumer preferences.

Potential Advancements And Improvements

Advancements and improvements in bowling pins on strings technology hold great promise for the future of the sport. Manufacturers are constantly working towards enhancing the pinsetters to provide even better performance and player experience.

One area of focus is increasing the accuracy and reliability of the string system, ensuring that pins are set up with precision every time.

Another exciting development is the potential introduction of smart technology into string pinsetters.

In terms of accessibility, there is ongoing research into creating adaptive solutions for bowlers with physical limitations. This could involve developing specialized equipment or modifying existing technologies to accommodate diverse abilities.

Sustainability is another key consideration for future advancements in bowling pin technology. The industry recognizes the importance of reducing its environmental impact through eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient practices.

As we look ahead, it’s evident that advancements in bowling pins on strings will shape the sport’s landscape by improving accuracy, accessibility, sustainability, and overall player experience.

Impact On The Bowling Industry

The introduction of bowling pins on strings has had a significant impact on the bowling industry. This innovative technology has revolutionized the way pins are set up and has sparked debate among bowlers and industry professionals alike.

Bowling alleys that have adopted string pinsetters argue that they save time and resources compared to traditional mechanical systems. They require fewer parts, making repairs easier and more convenient.

However, there are mixed opinions about how string pinsetters affect bowling performance. Preliminary research suggests that bowlers using string pinsetters achieve around 7% fewer strikes compared to traditional setups.

The US Bowling Congress (USBC) has also found an increase in multi-pin spare combinations with this new system.

From an industry perspective, the adoption of string pinsetters presents opportunities for innovation and advancement in technology. There is ongoing interest in developing improved systems that address concerns raised by professional bowlers while maintaining the benefits offered by string pin technology.

In conclusion, while bowling pins on strings have undeniably transformed aspects of the sport, their full impact on the industry is still being realized.

Consumer Perspectives And Preferences

Consumer perspectives and preferences play a crucial role in shaping the future of bowling pins on strings. While some bowlers embrace this new technology, others have reservations about its impact on the game.

One key consideration for consumers is how string pinsetters affect their overall bowling experience. For recreational bowlers, the increased accessibility and ease of use offered by string pinsetters can be highly appealing.

However, professional bowlers may view string pinsetters differently. Some argue that the introduction of strings compromises the integrity and challenge of traditional bowling.

They believe that mechanical arms provide a more authentic experience by accurately replicating pin falls as they would occur naturally.

When making decisions about whether to implement or continue using string pin technology, bowling alley owners must consider both consumer perspectives and operational factors such as maintenance costs and repair convenience.

Overall, while there is clear interest in understanding the pros and cons of using string pinsetters in bowling establishments across different types of bowlers – from casual players to professionals – individual preferences may vary significantly depending on their desired level of challenge or convenience factor they prioritize during their gameplay sessions.

Sustainability And Environmental Considerations

Sustainability and environmental considerations play an important role in the future of bowling pins on strings. With the introduction of string pinsetters, there is a potential for reducing waste and resource consumption in the sport.

Unlike traditional mechanical arms, string pinsetters have fewer moving parts, resulting in lower energy usage and decreased maintenance requirements.

Additionally, string pinsetters can lead to less damage to bowling lanes and pins, which means reduced material waste over time. The durability of nylon strings used in these systems also adds to their sustainability factor as they have a longer lifespan compared to other materials commonly used.

Moreover, due to their simpler design, string pinsetters are easier and quicker to repair when necessary.

As bowlers become increasingly conscious about sustainability issues across various industries, it is vital for bowling centers and manufacturers alike to consider these factors when adopting new technologies like string pinsetters.

Video Bowling Pins on Strings

The United States Bowling Congress (USBC) has certified string pins, and this candid video shows how many traditional bowlers are struggling with this decision.

Bowling Pins on Strings Video


In conclusion, the introduction of bowling pins on strings has sparked a lot of debate and controversy in the bowling community.

Firstly, these innovative pinsetters provide increased safety for young and inexperienced bowlers. By eliminating mechanical arms, there is less risk of accidents or injuries during gameplay.

Another advantage is the reduced damage to pins and lanes. The gentle suspension system provided by nylon strings ensures that the pins receive minimal wear and tear over time.

Moreover, string pinsetters enhance accessibility for people with physical limitations.

It’s important to note that while there might be some impact on scoring due to fewer strikes achieved with string pinsetters according to research conducted by USBC, this opens up new strategies, technique adjustments, and challenges for bowlers to overcome.

Looking ahead, we can expect further advancements in string pin technology as it gains popularity among entertainment centers, resorts, community centers, and other similar establishments.

Ultimately, whether one embraces or resists this innovation in bowling equipment depends on personal preferences as well as environmental considerations given its potential sustainability benefits when reducing usage of certain materials.


What is the purpose of bowling pins on strings?

Bowling pins on strings are used for various purposes, including training and entertainment. They can be attached to ropes or cords and hung from a structure or ceiling to allow the user to practice bowling accuracy without the need for a full-sized bowling alley.

How do you use bowling pins on strings for training?

To use bowling pins on strings for training, simply set up the pins in your desired location, such as a backyard or indoor space with enough clearance. Then, practice your bowling skills by aiming at the dangling pins and trying to knock them down with your throws.

Are there any safety precautions when using bowling pins on strings?

Yes, there are some safety precautions to consider when using bowling pins on strings. Make sure that the area where you plan to hang the pins is clear of any obstacles or breakable items. It’s also important to ensure that the string or cord used is securely attached and won’t pose any tripping hazards.

Can I use regular bowling balls with bowling pins on strings?

Yes, you can use regular-sized bowling balls with hanging bowling pins on strings. However, it’s important to take caution and consider factors such as ceiling height and potential damage that may occur if a ball hits objects in its path after hitting the hanging pin(s).


I’m an aspiring bowler with an immense love for bowling. I started playing the game at a very early age and it’s been an integral part of my life ever since.

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